To my fellow Saint Anthony Village Residents
I am disappointed that we must make a choice between two great women candidates. I love both Connie and Sandra and I have called on both to help support my efforts.
I think Sandra is a wonderful person, with great energy and passion for what she is doing, and I voted for her in 2020.
I am supporting Connie in this election because I think her leadership and experience in the house are critical for the people in Saint Anthony Village and all our 39B communities.
I first met Connie when she spoke to SAV City Council about her work on Active Living. From that connection, she agreed to speak at an event our Citizens Sustainability group organized, and she brought along Hennepin County Commissioner Linda Higgins.
When ISD 282 was doing a Safe Routes to School study, and we got push back from the city about considering changing County Road D from 4 to 3 lanes I called Connie and she said “call my friend Joe at Ramsey County” who conducted a study to evaluate the effort and put it on their radar.
When Saint Anthony started their work on the 2040 Comp Plan I called Connie, and she came and brought people with her to provide feedback at a community input event.
When I called her last week about a Drive Electric event that I am planning and the trouble I am having getting an Xcel resource to come to talk about charging stations in garages, Connie said she could make a call to her one contact (the CEO) if I needed her to. I haven’t asked her to do that, but I am confident she would help if I needed her to.
Connie has done these things to support me in my efforts, and she hasn’t even been my representative in the House. She is a dedicated leader who wants to help make good things happen here, in our communities.
I know this is a tough choice between two very capable women. I am asking you to think about the experience and connections Connie has and consider whether we can afford to lose that influence at the Capitol at this point in our divided politics.
Thank you,
Lona Doolan
Saint Anthony Village

Connie is a labor and education champion. She has led efforts to fully-fund tuition freezes and reduc textbook costs. She consistently puts the needs of students and faculty ahead of big money interests.
We proudly support her as she seeks another term.
“Connie has worked for our community for years and she works tirelessly to leverage her experience to get us results. She listens to her constituents – I had an idea for a bill and we sat down together and wrote it. I testified on the bill multiple times and she worked hard to see it through the legislative process. Connie knows our community and knows what we need to grow and thrive.”
Avonna Starck
Fridley School Board Member
(The bill is House File 3892, authored by Rep. Connie Bernardy. Requiring Affirmative Consent Standards In Campus Sexual Assault Policies. You can follow more about the bill here: H.F. 3892)

Teamsters Joint Council 32 is pleased to continue to endorse Representative Connie Bernardy. She shares the values of our Teamster members and continues to be a tenacious fighter for our issues.

“Connie has a proven track record of bringing folks together to build strong communities. I hope you will join me in supporting Connie so she can stand up for students, teachers, and economic prosperity for all people.”

As a twenty-year resident of Saint Anthony Village and fellow delegate to the DFL nominating convention for the newly created Senate District 39B, I wanted to share with you my reasons for endorsing Representative Connie Bernardy.
I’ve been active in the DFL in this area for the past 8 years. Connie has served our district longer than I have, keeping the community informed, listening to our community, taking our concerns to the state legislature, and most importantly, achieving results that matter to our residents.
One of my big concerns is the rising cost of higher education. I’ve seen my own children and their friends weigh the high cost of education, the staggering debt load they will carry, and the stagnating wages that haven’t kept pace. As the Chair of the Higher Education and Finance Committee, Connie is in a leadership position that can accomplish real progress for our students. One goal is to fight for two years of free community college for students raised in households earning less than $100,000 a year. This plan could mean the difference between having a degree or not having a degree for many of the young people in this community and will improve economic equity throughout our state.
Connie has served our community over and over again, making progress to improve education, advance racial and economic equity, and protect our environment. Our community cannot afford to lose Connie Bernardy’s leadership and tenure in State House.

Connie is a great advocate for public education and for those who can’t speak for themselves. She is very dedicated to all the good people of her district and has tirelessly worked for them, including Spring Brook Center and road improvements on Central Avenue.
I am impressed with the leadership and priorities Connie brings to the Minnesota House. Her leadership on issues that strengthen the family, bringing people together, and investing in education and infrastructure will build a stronger Minnesota, ensuring a better tomorrow for our children.

“I strongly support Connie, she does tremendous things for the community, especially in helping with transportation issues in our community.”

“Representative Connie Bernardy is a fierce advocate who is passionate about improving our community. Her ability to work with everyone at the Capitol has given us much needed funding for education, transportation and green spaces like Springbrook Nature Center. Her work has made the lives of Minnesotans better and her long history of proven leadership in the legislature is second to none.
I support Connie Bernardy to continue her work as our House Representative
– Mandy Meisner, Anoka County Commissioner

“Connie’s commitment to ensuring access to higher education is incredible. She’s been a great advocate for faculty, staff, and students. Connie knows that high-quality, affordable education is part of what makes Minnesota great. That’s why Connie has my vote!”
– Faculty Association President for St. Cloud State University Jen Tuder

“Connie’s boundless energy and endless passion get things done for us at the Capitol. Connie’s bringing people together kind of leadership is why I support her.”
– Former City Council Member Brian Strub

“Our community values education. Our students from pre-K to higher education and job training deserve a world class education.”