Let’s work together to invest in our roads, bridges, transit, biking and walking infrastructure for all Minnesotans.

“I support a sustainable, comprehensive solution to Minnesota’s transportation challenges because Minnesotans deserve to get to work, to school, or to the grocery store as safely and efficiently as possible. If we want to create jobs and grow our economy, we need a statewide transportation system that works for Minnesotans and Minnesota businesses everywhere,” Connie said.

Our transportation system is crumbling and not meeting the current and future needs of Minnesotans. We need to create good jobs through multimodal transportation projects that serve everyone from 1-101 no matter what type of transportation the use – walking, biking, using transit or driving a car. We must create a transportation system that prepares Minnesota for a prosperous future. We must have affordable and safe transportation opportunities for all ages and abilities so Minnesotans have the freedom to move and live independently throughout their lives. Our transportation system is responsible for much of the greenhouse gases and pollution that impact our health and quality of life. We must do all we can to require our transportation system to be more energy efficient and encourage more environmentally friendly transportation options.

We need to create transparency and accountability in Minnesota’s Department of Transportation. We need to maximize every dollar in fulfilling Minnesota’s vision to create and maintain a multimodal transportation system that maximizes the health of people, the environment, and our economy – for everyone.