Let’s worked together to ensure affordable, quality health care for all.

Connie believes Health care is a human right. We must do all we can to create a health care system that meets the needs of all Minnesotans from the time of birth to the last days of life. We need a Medicare-type system for all. All Minnesotans should have affordable, quality health care. Minnesota has been leaders in health care innovation.

“I know Minnesota can do better. In the short term, Minnesota ought to take advantage of the options available to it and develop a system that covers all Minnesotans for all of their medical needs,” Connie said.

When we do, we need to be sure we:

  • allow patients to choose their own medical providers.
  • have patients and their doctors make medical decisions, not insurance companies or government.
  • save money by eliminating middle-person expenses and costly bureaucratic systems.
  • save money by reducing the need for medical care through public health, education, prevention and early intervention.

Her priority is to build upon Minnesota’s tradition of health care innovation for future generations with meaningful, common-sense reforms. We need to continually pursue health coverage for all with a triple aims of healthcare reform: enhancing patient experience and quality of care, improving health outcomes, and bending the cost and health outcomes curve.

We need to put more power in the hands of Minnesotans and get the powerful prescription drug manufacturers and insurance companies from making decisions for patients and doctors. Connie will work to improve price transparency, including a new initiative that would require prescription drug manufacturers to publicly report total production costs of drugs, including marketing and advertising costs.

A truly complete healthcare system cannot leave Minnesota’s most vulnerable behind. From seniors in our nursing homes to children and family members in our mental health system, we must continue to invest in services and the individuals who provide care for these important populations.

Connie has done extensive work on statewide health improvement initiatives. Her career has been bringing people together to improve health.​ She is honored to be recognized for being a “Champion for Seniors” by the Minnesota Senior Federation for her work on health care, affordable housing and property tax reform.